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We preach through the traditional three-year lectionary.

Sermons from 2020

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December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Service

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Christmas Service Passage: Luke 2:1–20

December 20, 2020

Sunday School Christmas Program

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Sunday School Program Passage: Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 11:1–5, Luke 2:1–20

December 13, 2020

Proclaiming His Glory! - Musical offerings and hymns

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Music Ministry Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24

December 6, 2020

Courage House Ministry Update and Sermon

Speaker: Pastor Joel Midthun Series: Holiday Service Topic: Ministry Report Passage: John 5:2–16

November 29, 2020

The Gathering of Believers

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:3–9

November 25, 2020

Service of Thanksgiving 2020

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Thanksgiving Stories of God's Faithfulness Passage: Luke 12:25–31

November 22, 2020

Judgment Day - Christ the King

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 25:31–46

November 15, 2020

Talents on loan from God

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 25:14–30

November 1, 2020

Behold! We are God's Children Now

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 John 3:1–3

October 25, 2020

Reformation and Confirmation Sunday

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: John 8:31–36

October 18, 2020

Render to God

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 22:15–22

October 11, 2020

Friend - Where is Your Wedding Garment?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 22:1–14

October 4, 2020

Why Sweet Granny's in Heaven - Phil 3

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Philippians 3:4–14

September 27, 2020

Teeth Set on Edge - Ezekiel 18

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Ezekiel 18:1–32, Philippians 2:1–18

September 20, 2020

We Want it Fair - God's Kingdom and the Vineyard

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 20:1–16

September 6, 2020

Subject to Authority

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 13:1–10

August 30, 2020

Serving His Kingdom

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 12:9–21

August 23, 2020

Life with God, Life without God

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 11:33– 12:8

August 16, 2020

Fear God and Him Only

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Isaiah 56:6–8, Psalm 67:1–7

August 9, 2020

Take Heart - Do Not Be Afraid

Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 14:22–33

August 2, 2020

If you are thirsty - Come!

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Isaiah 55:1–5, Romans 9:1–5

July 26, 2020

The Joy of Audacious Trust in God

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 8:28–39

July 19, 2020

Great News in all Circumstances

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 8:18–27

July 12, 2020

The Word of God Bears Fruit

Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 13:1–23

July 5, 2020

Celebrating Independence

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 7:14–25

June 28, 2020

Jesus - The Great Divide

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 10:34–42

June 21, 2020

From Death to Life in Christ

Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 6:12–23

June 14, 2020

A Kingdom of Priests

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Exodus 19:1–8

June 7, 2020

God Spoke and it Was

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 28:16–20, Genesis 1:1– 2:4

May 31, 2020

Wonder Working Water

Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: John 7:37–39

May 24, 2020

1 Pet 4 and 5 - Forged in Faith

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 Peter 4:11– 5:12

May 17, 2020

1 Peter 3 - Identity in Christ

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 Peter 3:13–22

May 3, 2020

Sojourning and Suffering

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 Peter 2:19–25

April 26, 2020

Sojourning through this life

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Luke 24:13–35

April 19, 2020

The Living Word speaks "Peace"

Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: John 20:19–31

April 12, 2020

Christ Our Victor In Deliverance - Easter 2020

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 28:1–10, Colossians 3:1–4

April 5, 2020

"Lord, save us..." but for what?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Philippians 2:5–11

March 29, 2020

Can These Bones Live?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Robed in Christ's Righteousness Passage: Ezekiel 37:1–14

March 15, 2020


Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Romans 5:1–8

March 8, 2020

The Call of Abram

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 12:1–9

March 1, 2020

Did God Really Say?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 3:1–19

February 16, 2020

The Beatitudes

Speaker: Mike Callahan Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 5:13–20

February 9, 2020

Loving the Lord - Walking in His Ways

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Deuteronomy 30:15–20

February 2, 2020

Samuel - Dedicated to the Lord

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 Samuel 1:21–28

January 26, 2020

Whose your favorite?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:10–19

January 12, 2020

Baptism and God's Servant (Messiah)

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Isaiah 42:1–9, Matthew 3:13–17, Romans 6:1–11

January 5, 2020

Friction in the Church

Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Ephesians 1:3–14