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We preach through the traditional three-year lectionary.

Sermons from Genesis

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September 29, 2024

In The Beginning--Male and Female

Speaker: Todd Thompson Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 2:18–25, Hebrews 2:1–18

July 21, 2024

Living in God's Kingdom Now

Speaker: Todd Thompson Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Ephesians 3:14–21, Genesis 9:8–17, Mark 6:45–56

June 2, 2024

Once in the Garden

Speaker: Scott Monson Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 3:8– :15, 2 Corinthians 4:13– 5:1, Mark 3:20– :35

February 18, 2024

Abraham, the child of the Promise, a Sacrifice, and a Savior

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Lent Passage: Genesis 22:1–18

September 17, 2023

Forgiveness... the gift that keeps on giving!

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 50:15–21, Matthew 18:21–35

June 4, 2023

The Trinity

Speaker: Scott Monson Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 1:1– 2:4, Matthew 28:16–20

February 26, 2023

"Did God Really Say?"

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 3:1–20, Matthew 4:1–11

October 16, 2022

Striving with God - Jacob

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 32:22–30

September 18, 2022

God's Word - Truth - Eternal Truths in Genesis - Part 2

Speaker: Scott Monson Series: God's Word - undeniably God! Topic: God's Word Passage: Genesis 1–10

August 7, 2022

Growth Series - 6 - Faith, not Perfection

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 15:1–6, Hebrews 11:1–16, Luke 12:22–34

July 24, 2022

Growth Series - 4 - Walking in the Light

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Colossians 2:6–19, Genesis 18:17–33

June 5, 2022

Tower of Defiance v. God's Mercy and Truth

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 11:1–9, Acts 2:1–21

February 20, 2022

Joseph - A great revenge story never told

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Epiphany Series Topic: Epiphany Series Passage: Genesis 45:3–15, Luke 6:27–38

October 3, 2021

In the Beginning - Male and Female

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 2:18–25, Hebrews 2:1–18

June 6, 2021

Once in the Garden

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 3:8–15, 2 Corinthians 4:13– 5:1, Mark 3:20–35

January 10, 2021

God's Words Matter - Creation with a Word

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 1:1–5

December 20, 2020

Sunday School Christmas Program

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Holiday Service Topic: Sunday School Program Passage: Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 11:1–5, Luke 2:1–20

June 7, 2020

God Spoke and it Was

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Matthew 28:16–20, Genesis 1:1– 2:4

March 8, 2020

The Call of Abram

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 12:1–9

March 1, 2020

Did God Really Say?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 3:1–19

October 20, 2019

Wrestling with God - the Life of Jacob

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 32:22–30

July 28, 2019

Rooted in Christ, Walking in Love

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Colossians 2:6–19, Genesis 18:17–33

July 14, 2019

Kingdom Growth - I am the Lord your God, live like this!

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 18:1– 19:18, Luke 10:20

October 7, 2018

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 2:18–25, Mark 10:2–16

July 29, 2018

For this Reason! For what reason?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Ephesians - The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed Topic: Series on Ephesians Passage: Ephesians 3:14–21, Genesis 9:8–17, Mark 6:45–56

June 10, 2018

From where does our help come?

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:12– 5:1, Genesis 3:8–15, Mark 3:20–25

February 25, 2018

What does it mean to be a disciple?

Speaker: Mike Callahan Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Mark 8:27–38, Romans 5:1–11, Genesis 17:1–16

February 18, 2018

Oh My God, in you I trust - Abraham and isaac

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Preaching from the Lectionary Passage: Genesis 22:1–18, James 1:12–18, Mark 1:9–15

September 17, 2017

Joseph and his brothers

Speaker: Pastor Steve Series: Weekly Preaching Topic: Forgiveness Passage: Genesis 50:15–21, Matthew 18:21–35, Romans 14:1–12